سفر حرم - الہم لبیک

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

حافظ صبغت اللہ اقبال

  • البم - سفر حرم

Hafiz Sibghatullah

  • Album - Safr-e-Haram

مزید حمد و نعت سنیے


رب الرحمہم


Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

حافظ صبغت اللہ اقبال

  • البم - سفر حرم

Hafiz Sibghatullah

  • Album - Safr-e-Haram

مزید حمد و نعت سنیے


ارے انسان تجھے کیا ہوگیا ہے

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

حافظ صبغت اللہ اقبال

  • البم - سفر حرم

Hafiz Sibghatullah

  • Album - Safr-e-Haram

مزید حمد و نعت سنیے


شکر ہے اے خدا یا میں تو اس قا بل نہ تھا

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

حافظ صبغت اللہ اقبال

  • البم - سفر حرم

Hafiz Sibghatullah

  • Album - Safr-e-Haram

مزید حمد و نعت سنیے


اک بار مجھے دکھا دے یارب مدینہ

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

حافظ صبغت اللہ اقبال

  • البم - سفر حرم

Hafiz Sibghatullah

  • Album - Safr-e-Haram

مزید حمد و نعت سنیے


قافلہ دونوں جہاں کے والیوں اور سرداروں کا

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

حافظ صبغت اللہ اقبال

  • البم - سفر حرم

Hafiz Sibghatullah

  • Album - Safr-e-Haram

مزید حمد و نعت سنیے