Page 29 - Payam-e-Haya (Eng)

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(Sent by: Umm-e-Zaman, Hong Kong)
I was visiting my hometown with my youngest daughter.
Since we had gone there after a few years, we decided
to visit our favorite eatery.
This was a fast food restaurant, resplendent with
all sorts of confectionery items. Anyone coming
here could not resist tasting one of the many
mouth-watering delicacies.
As we neared the shop window to decide which
item we would taste first, I noticed a not-so-well-to-
do woman eying the displayed goodies. She looked at all
the counters longingly, and then moved away.
I understood that she was unable to buy and relish the food due to lack of enough
cash. I decided to give her a treat of the same items we had ordered.
Before going to our table, I went to the woman who sat at the far end, having a cup of
tea. I placed the plateful of savouries before her. When she found out the plate was
for her, she thanked me profusely with tears shining in her eyes and a wobbling smile
on her countenance.
I was thankful I had been instrumental in fulfilling someone’s one small desire. As for
our treat, it tasted even better that day than it had ever before.
(Sent by: A Sister, New Jersey)
It was a busy morning, approximately 8:30 am, when an elderly gentleman, in his 80s
arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He stated that he was in a hurry
and that he had an appointment at 9:00 am. I took his vital signs, and had him take
a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him.
I saw him looking at his watch
and decided, since I was not
busy with another patient, I would
evaluate his wound.
On exam it was well
healed, so I talked to
one of the doctors, got
the needed supplies to
remove his sutures and
redressed his wound.
While taking
care of him, we began
to engage in
conversation. I asked
him if he had a
doctor’s appointment this
morning, as he
was in such a hurry. The
gentleman told me
no, that he
needed to go to
the nursing home
to eat breakfast
with his wife. I