Page 20 - Payam-e-Haya (Eng)

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Which of these positions is the best for the
functioning of the organs?
When lying on the abdomen will make a
person feels a short of breath as the
backbones’ mass prevents the chest
from contracting and then relaxing
during inhalation and exhalation.
Moreover this position leads to an
obligatory bending in the neck
vertebraes. Also, the contact of the
reproductive organs with the bed
leads to masturbation.
The resulting respiratory crisis
results in
brain and heart fatigue as well. An
Australian researcher noticed the
increase in the likelihood of babies’ sudden death when they sleep on their stomach
compared to those who sleep on one of the sides. It is inimitable that these modern
studies agree with what our prophet said as narrated by Abu Huraira (May Allah
be pleased with him): “When the prophet
saw a man lying on his front, He said
(Allah and his prophet dislike this position in lying) ” (Reported by Al-Tirmdhi).
Another Hadith is the one narrated by Abu Umama (May Allah be pleased with him)
he said: “ When the Prophet
passed a man sleeping on his front in the mosque
he hit him with his feet and said: wake up and seat as this is a diabolic sleep”
Lying on the back, on the other hand, causes the respiration to be through the
mouth. The mouth opens up when lying on back as the inferior jaw relax. However,
the nose is the one prepared for respiration, as it contains hairs and mucous that act
to purify the air entering during inspiration, and as it has dense blood vessels that
make the entering air warmer.
Respiration through the mouth then makes the person prone to colds,
especially in the winter, and also to gum dryness and its resulting
inflammation. As well as it evokes potential situations of
dissemble excess or gumic hugely. So these
positions the jaw and